Catalog Browse books by Language, Title and Author


Infectious Generosity: The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading

242 pages
Chris Anderson

The Pilani Pioneers Inspiring Success Stories

282 pages
Durjai Sethi and Gaurav Mandlecha

High Output Management

243 pages
Andrew S. Grove

Making Numbers Count

172 pages
Chip Heath

Measure What Matters

306 pages
John Doerr

The 5 Choices The Path to Extraordinary Productivity


Bulls Bears and Other Beasts A Story of the Indian Stock Market

408 pages
Santosh Nair

A Very Indian Approach to Management Business Sutra

Devdutt Pattanaik

How to Make Money in Stocks

454 pages
William J. O'Neil

Design Your Thinking

363 pages
Pavan Soni

Linchpin - Are you Indispensable

Seth Godin

Puzzles For Programmers And Pros

226 pages
Dennis E. Shasha