Catalog Browse books by Language, Title and Author


Eat That Frog!

119 pages
Brian Tracy

Hire and Keep The Best People

Brian Tracy

Marketing Asian Places

443 pages
Philip Kotler

Stock Market Logic

328 pages
Norman G. Fosback

Employees First

198 pages
Vineet Nayar

Operations Research

536 pages
S Kalavathy

Hadoop - The Definitive Guide

Blue Ocean Strategy

287 pages
W. Chan Kim

No Excuses Management

295 pages

Road To Success Timeless Advice For Today

132 pages
Napoleon Hill

The Nuclear Jihadist

413 pages
Douglas Frantz

50 Electronics Projects

295 pages

Encyclopedia C

1333 pages

The Dhandho Investor

196 pages

Winning With Stocks

250 pages
michael c thomsett

Activity-Based Cost Management Making It Work

230 pages
gary cokins

Business wisdom of the electronic elite

254 pages
geoffrey james