Catalog Browse books by Language, Title and Author


The Pilani Pioneers Inspiring Success Stories

282 pages
Durjai Sethi and Gaurav Mandlecha

Infectious Generosity: The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading

242 pages
Chris Anderson


231 pages
Morten T. Hansen

Quick and Easy Way to Learn GERMAN

190 pages

How full is your bucket?

114 pages

OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer

580 pages

The Algorithm Design Manual

793 pages

System Design Interview

309 pages

Algorithms Fourth Edition

955 pages

Decode and Conquer

205 pages
Lewis C.Lin

Introduction to Algorithms

1292 pages
Thomas H. Cormen

High Output Management

243 pages
Andrew S. Grove

Unknown Quantity

374 pages
John Derbyshire

Masters of Scale

281 pages
Reid Hoffman

Mathematical Circles

272 pages
Dmitri Fomin